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  About Us - Takahama Yume Mirai Juku -

Takahama Team of Dreams is an NPO organization for children aged 10 to 15 years old.
We offer them workshops to provide an opportunity to practice and develop teamwork, creative problem solving, and skills.

Through workshops, demonstrations, projects and lectures, we offer the chance for our students to explore and challenge conventional ideas.

2-18-13 Shinmei-cho Takahama city, Aichi Japan
[URL] http://yume-mirai-juku.com/

Robot Club

Robot Club was established in 2003.
Team Takahama consists of members who have been screened for competitions. Since 2004,Team Takahama has entered in robotsoccer games.
Team Takahama won RoboCup 2007 Atlanta World Competition, USA and at 2008 Suzhou, China. They came in third place in 2009 Graz, Austria.
We have monthly lectures for our members given by professionals in their own fields.

  • RoboCup 2007 Atlanta World Competition.Soccer Challenge Primary1 First Place.
  • RoboCup 2008 Suzhou World Competition.Soccer Primary Multi Team Victory.Soccer Secondary Multi Team Third Place.
  • RoboCup 2009 Graz World Competition.Soccer A Primary SuperTeam Third Place.
  • RoboCup 2010 Singapore WorldCompetiton.Soccer A Open SuperTeam Third Place.

Invention Club

Invention Club teaches students how to use tools safely and skillfully and how to think divergently by providing open-ended problems that appeal to a wide range of interests in their lives.
They then apply their creativity to make their own ideas into reality for competitions on the local and state level.
The creative problem-solving process rewards thinking 'outside of the box'.

Video Club

Video Club provides workshops in that the children dream up their own script, characters, story lines props and locations before turning on the video camera.
Then they produce their original movie.
A sense of camaraderie can be also built on the experience of collaborative work.

Art by English Club

Each child has their own sense of creativity.
Through several projects using paper-mache and clay we explore the possibilities of the material and tools to create art work that will be part of their lives.


Enjoy the artwork while chatting with the cheerful Albert teacher.

Debate Club

The Debate Club is a team sport. The better each member prepares, the better the team performs.
Then everyone shares the joy of victory and the disappointment of loss. It takes time to build the structure and flexibility to make a winning combination through research , preparation and action.

Manga Club

Manga Club is a 'boot camp' for cartoonists.
The 7-day workshop packs in the essentials for producing your own comics.
Through lectures, exercises, and group projects, students learn about story structure, page composition, pacing, materials and techniques, character design, environmental drawing, and production.

Science Club

Science Club provides innovating and exciting science activities for children.
Our aim is to excite and engage children with the wonder of science through hands-on science investigations and demonstrations.

Science Club

Learn how money works through board games. There are also plans for hands-on lectures by financial professionals.

Science Club

"It's raining today, but will it be sunny tomorrow?" Let's increase our knowledge of "weather", which has a great influence on our daily lives and the future, through observation and experiments.



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 English ( About Us )

たかはま 夢・未来塾
〒444-1305  高浜市神明町2-18-13   TEL/FAX  0566-87-7608